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Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 2
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Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 2

Lincoln, Nebraska
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union wa anxloui to frmnt a etrtke. a-cauae a etrtke would coat the member of LINCOLN JOURNAL Monday, June 10, lt6 Chicagoan AdoptsTjiy Proposes to Buy Needed union approximately IS.D04 Der day Find 15,000 In loat wagaa. A tnk wauld alao be venting a work atonpkge and wait nntil next year to eliminate the balance of the differential between tb wage rate of th Lincoln company and the Bell company in Nebraaka. In any event, the wag Increase received by th union- In exceaa mt other wage Increases (ranted over th nation in th amount of Increase received per hour and In percentage of Increase. detrimental to the public.

Six Baby Skunks Mnfm' le fnr Wntnr ProWte Tne union preferred to take a very auB- Several Attend Omaha Meeting atantlal Increase In wage at tbla time and i ve ita member on tne payroll and i tribute to tk pubUe wattar by pre- A number of Episcopalian young not yet home from the war. In, view of recent experience Cases Beer Stored Here POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. A RESOLUTION was approved when construction companies declined to bid on the proposed Belt mont sewer project, biggest in the city's history, because of uncer people will attend the Episcopal summer conference at Brownell hall, Omaha, June 9 to 15. Those going from Holy Trinity are: directing the clerk and treasurer Beer Men Praised for Regulation Judge Jackson, Ncligh, Speaks to transfer from the water fund The state liquor commission has tainty of material prices when CHICAGO.

VP). When Mrs. George Witt prepares a formula for her 6-months-old daughter, Diane, she must be careful not to confuse it with another mixture she feeds to six baby skunks. The skunks were adopted by Mrs. Witt after their mother, Perfume, died during a deodorizing operation.

Mrs. Witt said that either the little skunks no longer stink or she is getting used to it Adell Coryell, Dolores Burke, Ar- to the water sinking fund $50,000 in accord with the annual appro these are obtainable. Director discovered 15,000 cases of Falstaff deth Wilcox, Althea Blunn and Erickson, Monday requested a res beer stored in Lincoln and Mon Ann Jouvenant, priation for payment of maturing water' extension bonds. The 1946 olution, later approved by the From St. Matthew's: Diana Mc- day, at a hearing, asked the com council, directing the clerk to ad Knight, Mary Ida Barnds, Carol item of $50,000, however, was paid March there being then suf Lundberg, William Joseph Barnds, vertise for water main materials on basis of his estimate of $27,000, pany representative, Charles B.

Schinidbauer, to pay the $1,100 tax due for the past six months. Kathleen Cox, Marylin Kleck, I 1 Wi 1 Vote For ED SWAIISOH Republican for Railway Commissioner Cmpubl Efficient HonmU ficient money available The remainder of the water bond debt. f.o.b. A street station. ueaiion uewis, rucnara wreaen, Over 100 Nebraska brewers and out-of-state brewers doing busi Schmidbauer told the commis all being paid from departmental Elton Lewis and Mary Jean Ueely.

receipts, is being paid at the rate Mrs. Paul Kline, youth assistant THERE ARE A number of prospective water districts In newly slon the beer was sold to the navy last December for export out of the country and that he did not believe the tax is due unless the of $50,000 annually. Hastings Host to Baptist Meeting at St. Matthew's, will attend as developed areas. Mr.

Erickson held a girls' sponsor, and Rev. William Paul Barnds, rector, is chaplain ness here heard District Judge Lyle E. Jackson, Nelifih, In praise of beer industry self-regulation Monday afternoon at the Corn-busker hotel during the one-day convention of the Nebraska committee, U. S. Brewers Foundation.

THE COUNCIL directed pay beer is consumed in this state. HASTINGS. Neb. UP). Nebraska and treasurer of the conference.

fear that, because of the material picture, contractors may hesitate to -quote overall prices. He, therefore, designed the plan of pur The commission made no- ruling ment of $6,939.19, income tax for May, this representing employe Baptist ministers and laymen will gather here Tuesday for the 78th annual Nebraska Baptist state but took the matter under advise merit tion with authorities and the gen payroll deductions for that month. chasing such materials as are eral public, Raymond E. Dinges was granted POLITICAL POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. convention.

AN AFFIDAVIT was presented TEET KNOW." he said, "as I available and then selling them to successful bidders. He then will be in position to" say to con know, that our program succeeds license to operate a billiard parlor, 10 tables, at 1542 O. Master plumber registrations, renewals, Were approved for F. L. Deines, to the commission stating that the beer had been shipped out of the Declaring such regulation "a powerful force in the interest of the general public good," Judge Jackson added that It "steers a sound middle course between the extreme of prohibition on one hand and weak controls on the Other." to the extent that it does the tractors: Principal speaker at the three-day convention will be Dr.

Reuben E. Nelson of Detroit, executive secretary of the council on finance and promotion, and Rev. G. Merrill Lenox of New York, associate greatest good for the greatest "We have the materials. You 1235 So.

37th and Trester Mer state ana another, signed by a U. S. naval officer, stating that the navy had received the beer. number, both industry and pub' pay us for them and do the work." cantile company, 869 No. 27th.

lie." Jackson B. Chase, commission a HEARING WAS conducted Following an executive board director of the ministers and mis l.y lank Willi this policy, a resolution was approved asking sionaries benefit board for the Monday on application of Alfred chairman, asked Schmldbauer, "In the face of two false affidavits how do we know the beer will not meeting at 10 a. the main session began with a noon luncheon at which- Mayor Marti gave an for bids on water district 175, Cot' Northern Baptist convention. J. Stroh for on and off -sale beer The eighth convention of the committee, this year's is the first statewide annual meeting in three years.

State Director Charles E. Sandall expressed his gratification ner Franklin to 48th, esti State leaders expected include address of welcome. The conclud I Republican A L. E. Aylsvorth County Commissioner, 2nd District Tt Vote for the Man i with a progressive, constructive platform who.

is not afraid to say what he stands for and will I i 1 work for if elected. i Dr. William Park of Omaha, executive secretary of Nebraska license at 149 No. 13th, applicant purchasing the stock and fixtures from. Frank E.

and Margaret M. Piccolo. ing speaker was James R. Nichol be used in Nebraska and how do we know that other shipments have not been similarly handled?" Schmldbauer said that he knew it mate, including materials, $4,500. The department has enough material for this lob.

son, New York, national director at the large attendance, an "indication that the beer industry values highly the gains made for Baptist churches; Dr. J. O. Nel. son of Omaha, director of Chris of group relations for the lounda Claim of $243.54 by Harry H.

would not happen again. tion. Walter J. Singer. Nebraska it thru the wholehearted co-opera Johnston was referred to the legal Water department indebtedness, once $1,915,000, is down to $265,000 and $15,000 of that total represents bonds that were called Schmldbauer said the tax would tlan education and promotion, and Rev.

Alfred Hardy of Omaha, di committee executive board chair man, presided. be paid by the company if the commission would refund the rector of evangelism. department. Applicant represents himself as being a I. Joe" whose car was damaged March 22, at 15th and in a collision money later should the beet be but not presented for payment.

City officials have endeavored un- In his annual report to tne con' vention Mr. Sandall said: shipped out of the state. Commis Alfalfa Dehydrating Plant Ready in July r.lOHT VEAatM Of th. Nebraska torn- sion members said they were not successiuny to locate Holder or holders. One theory being that in a position to make such a bar POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT.

POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. with a police car an accident which, he says, he was helpless to prevent. The amount represents the repair bill. they possibly are in the hands of NEBRASKA CITY. v7- A new gain.

some service man or service men Nebraska City Industry the Nebraska City Dehydrated Products, THE COMMISSION takes the mltlM program bu prevail lu worth to th tat ana to th bnwtnl Industry. It ha aided tlx Kill to maintaining strict con ml and regulation of the alcoholic beverage business. It bu at all time eo-oneratea with th law anforramant and licensing authorities la tb observance and nfero-asenl of th liquor control statute. Th commute baa aoaitutlr urged npm tha aublia and tba lleenltnl authorities Um plant is expected to be in ttufan position that the tax must be paid unless there is satisfactory evi Re-Elect operation by late July. dence presented showing tha beer The $70,000 plant will dehydrate green alfalfa to powder Importance at certain only those whoa oast records mark tbara aa competent and has been exported.

under a quick-dehydration process Schmldbauer said he did not which retains the vitamin content, worthy at tba truat. Oar organlsatloa baa elded te tba obeanranee and antorcamant of tb law acatnat aala to minor, and believe tha tax should be paid G. Petrus Peterson Incorporators are Leo Charles because the navy intended to ship tba law against sal to pereone who M- A. and Gerald M. Monaghan of aauaa si Intoalcelloa or othar raaaona the beer into Kansas.

He also said that if his company paid the tax ahould aot aold, and tha maintenance of eood tavern eonditiona generally. Settlement (Continued from Page 1.) by a general meeting of the union. Text of Woods' statement following the settlement: "At 11:41 o'clock this mom In tb telephone company and the union committee reached an agreement for tha settlement of tha wage dispute which ha been carried on thru atrenuoua negotiations for the past aeveral months. "The agreement practically follow! the plan for the settlement which was proposed by the conciliator from the U. 8.

department of labor. The aettle-ment propoeed by the conclllatora will reault In enme Increase over th company'! original propoaal to pay Percival, la. Lye Burns Throat 000 In increased wage for the contract year beginning April 20. lmg. The exact amount cannot be determined at thltlm but it ia eetlmated that may coat th company an additional 160,000 in wages.

"In view of th wag Increase pattern set by the national adralnlatraUon and alao of tha probable Increase of living coats due to Inflation now In progress, wa believe that the result obtained la Justified and ahould be generally aatlsfactory to the employe, to the company, and to the public. "Three conclllatora, namely E. R. Rel of Omaha, I. Pickett of Kantaa City and A.

E. Johnaon of Bt. Louli, have participated In the negotiations. We found them to be conaclentloua, fair and able and acknowledge their services to have contributed substantially to bringing about the above results. "The peaceful settlement of labor dispute la certainly In th public Interest from every viewpoint as well aa In tha internal of tha amnlovea involved it would not be able to collect it Th Industry Baa eerrea of development within It rank of ft bth eoolal aoneoloua- from the navy.

committing It to principles of self Of Humphrey Child regulation, moderatloa and eo-o Deration with public authorities. Tba law obeervano program and tha NORFOLK, Neb. CP). Glen, 2 New Corporations Enterpatse Electric Omaha. Capitalized at $200,00.

Incorpora educational acllvltl. of th Nebraska com year old son of Mr. and Mrs. wu enittae were lauded Jackson fi. Chaaa, 11am Stenger, Humphrey, was ahalrma of the Nebraska Uguor aonlrol commission.

Ha related that be and tala brought to a Norfolk hospital Sun tors: John F. Goodwin, Thomas Egan and C. M. Chenoweth. eolleaauee nartlelDated In a aeries of Mr.

day after being severely burned about the mouth and throat when Randall's meeting for Deer retailer Klngsley Lumber Holdrege. eentral Nebraska, and aald wa moat TKI P'ffrf WAY encouraging to note the apparent willing' nm with which ratal era accepted auiges- Capitalized at $30,000. and George he swallowed some lye. His condi tion at noon Monday was satisfac tory. tions tor more fully muling Unit license obligation." ley.

The company has made a continued and determined gtfort to avoid a Pag which threatened interference with Ita eervlce. It la pleased that this ha been avoided. It la hoped and expected that our operations can now carried on without further threat of disturbance to the public" TEXT OF CRAVEN'S state Break in Heat- Wave Forecast Nebraskans were reaching for cool liquids again Monday as a hot sun sent temperatures Aa uncontrolled bleach, that wies lii strength froin oos bonis to tht est. Buy ttriUmk put cottons and linen. Ftbrk tbietdi fray out, Mihowaabova.

Launch Aviation Safety Program Hessian Gem Theft Greatest Nebraska Legislature EXPERIENCED LEGISLATOR Vitally interested in and well informed about Nebraska problems. ment: A state-wide aviation safety Of All Time, Says Ma j. Evans Th United Union of Telenhona Wnrkera still Insists and, in th future will continue to insist, that the employe of The Lincoln Telephone 4 Telegraph company should be paid parity wage rate with the employee of th Northwestern Bell Telephone com CHICAGO. VP). The Hessian program is being launched immediately by tha state aeronautics department It was announced crown jewels, prizs of the pany in Nebraska.

In tb settlement of the "greatest jewel robbery of mod wage dispute between tha union and the company on this date, a very substantial ern times," were in the hands of "fence" when Col. Jack W. Durant and WAC Capt, Kathleen B. Durant were seized, the Monday by I. V.

Packard, secretary, Tha purpose will be reduce the possibilities of accidents which are caused primarily by carelessness and recklessness and other soaring into the 90's but the weatherman promised a break shortly in the summer's first heat wave. Partly cloudy skies with scattered thundershowers are forecast for Tuesday, with a promise of cooler in the northwest and extreme west late Monday afternoon. Lincoln had the high for Sunday, with the mercury shooting up to a torrid 98, followed by 66 at Valentine. Sidney reported Sunday night's low of 58. army said Monday.

HTtJS CETEKSON. Mai. John D. Evans of Lin flying habits which lead to crashes. part of the differential In waga ratea between the employes of tb two companie was eliminated.

It shall be th objective of th union to eliminate the remainder of this differential a year from now when th next wage contract will be mad. There la no substantial reason for this differential. In view of the tact that the Northwestern Bell Telephone company ha granted Ita employee two substantial Increase In th last year. It was Impossible for the union to eliminate the entire differential thereby establlahed at one time. The coln, Neb.

Sixth service command provost marshal, related Good airport management and Primaries June 11th education of pilots can do much toward tha elimination of acci Tin CTmi way With trtttti ActUei Hrex Every bottl of Pum bu rbt tune strength, the stmt correct bleach log action. Used el directed, Pure gtrr oerblegche. It provide! Con boiled Action becauie it is purified od stabilized by the txehtum Iotrt-til Procegs. Y(i-Pur dents according to Packard. The at a news conference that Colenel Durant had no idea of where the Jewels were when he was seized by military police in the LaSalle hotel last week.

state campaign will be co-ordl Stefan Urges War nated with the national air safety On Commie Threat campaign sponsored by the National Aeronautics association NFRIDAY the colonel asked for permission to make a VOTE in the 1 9th LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT WASHINGTON. (UP). Rep. Operations, practices and facilities of various airports will be sur telephone call. Evans said the bleaching ii essy on lin.

ens at jui pltio wuhiog. Atjrpim't Karl Stefan, Neb.) said Mon A veyed and graded and awards will FOR FOR be made to airports having the FOR colonel talked to the "fence," an underworld name for a dealer in stolen goods, and was told to wait for another tele highest ratings. day he will use his 12 years of experience as a "militant foe of communism" to combat further the red threat in the United States and urged Americans to bulwark our constitution with good laws State's Balance and with public servants of "unquestioned" loyalty. Was $18,937,036 Stefan maintained that there The state treasury at tha end are 20,000 communists In the em of May had $18,873,036 in cash and $18,443,290 in bonds for a A Working Man A Family Man A War Father Good Wages Family Protection Vets Rehabilitation ploy of the federal government and 800,000 practicing communists in the United States. He urged Americans not to be complacent grand total of $38,282,876 it was reported Monday by State Treasurer Edward Gillette.

Of tha cash TMI CONTIOUIO-ACTION I II ACM OINTll TO LIN INS there was $2,187,940 credited to tha state general fund; $6,581,275 about the fact since a minority group in Russia numbering persons gained control of a country with a population of MAJ. JOHN EVANS. Watson, of Burlingame, who was arrested in Germany, had shipped many of the items from Germany to Captain Durant, at her sister's home. One of the boxes in which the valuables were shipped has been recovered, the major said. Evans quoted Colonel Durant as saying that all of the unset stones might not have been returned by the "fence" but no one was able to say definitely.

A Law Student Private Enterprise to the highways department; 776,993 to state assistance and phone call. One hour later, Evans continued, Durant received a call at a restaurant and was informed the jewels had been hidden in a locker in the Illinois Central railroad station. The caller gave Durant instructions on where to find the key. Durant and the military escort picked up the key and went to the station where the precious 1 oot was recovered. Major Evans make known whera the key was obtained.

Evam said Colonel Durant made hii call to the "fence" at 7:30 p. m. and that the call back came at 8:30 p. m. The announcement of the jewel theft had appeared in the afternoon newspapers Friday and the "fence" knew the stuff was exceptionally "hot," Evans said.

EVANS SAID the jewels recovered in the depot locker were almost all previous stones, 170,000,000. 663,268 to tha university. Federal POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. The Home Owner' Reduced Taxes tTUIwfaiHg, UhiuNV thra fivt hU n4 poralain a Fitrm Both FvlUm impl dtrtctitnt Utllt, funds accounted to $1,651,357. In May the state received $3, 368,824 in taxes and paid 086 in warrants.

Part of tha cash account. $4,500,000 is Invested in U. S. securities, and $14,472,340 Primaries Tuesday, June 11, 1945 Back To Bible Elect Russell Brchm lor Count Commissioner deposited in banks. I Joseph C.

Dale POLITICAL ADVFHTISEMXNT. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT, "Which had been removed from AakrW their settings, apparently before being shipped to the United States. Evans said that Ma J.


'CEtAlPMAN PASTE SHOE POLISH nnlt The most experienced trial lawyer opposing the present county attorney. The best qualified can m'i didate for the lob. SALESMAN Established manufacturer of turtng and seasoning eom pounds for th meat packing and eatuag manufacturing Industry, and fin food apeclaUtea for th hotel, restaurant and institutional trad has aa opening for a sale represent tire in th Nebraska, eastern Iowa an South Dakota territory. Highest tyn ma requited. Adeotiet aeenpenaatloo In form at salary ex-pen see and oommlulon.

Salesmen Bust furnish his own ear. Writ to a. We shell not reply ts any setter which does not gtr detailed Information of your experience. Tour letter tree ted onndentlelly. FEARN LABORATORIES 179 Nertk At.

Chic eg Si, Ullaeta rs V. ka I WW KXfSr! jw will bare Key H. Lanier, Evangelist June 13-23, 8 p.m. Church of Christ tOtO Garfield POLITICAL, ADVBRTI8HIKNT. POUT1CA1, ADVERTISEMENT.

HE IS EiTITLED TO TIIE NOMINATIOIV: He has laid the ground work for the defeat of the present county attorney in two previous campaigns when he was barely edged out once by 467 votes, and the other time by only 220 votes, although vicious campaigns were made against him and much money spent to defeat him. He paid his own campaign expenses so as not to be under obligation to anyone. He led the fight when the going was most rough and is entitled to be nominee now. He saw earlier, what all others now see, that there must be a change in the county attorney's office. Don't be misled by the tweet promises of the present county attorney and his gang.

Remember his record. Ue Is not the Indispensable man. "Don't take a cut at the ball. To clean out the present county attorney's office concentrate your vote on one candidate. The most deserving and the best qualified Is that life-long Republican: Attention Voters Who Want a New Commissioner in the 3d District Vote for nn a .41 3 Oace yoej poor Pcterman Discorary (with DDT) down crack and baseboards, brush it on beds i you'll bt safe from bedbugs tot months.

Kills quickly, safely, economically. Won't (tain when tued as directed. Comet without DDT, too. Either way, America's Dumber-oot bedbug killer. Get a can today.

DISCOVERY APMA i end a Progressive, Business-Like County Administration Don't Scatter Your Votet as in Past Elections Ccrr.biitt on Ecir end Insure a Change ABLE EXPEMEXCED QUALIFIED- COURAGEOUS.

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